Friday, October 31, 2008

Road trip, baby!

Thanks to the guys over with the Union Ultras, Chivas USA's support group, for this...

I'm going to Salt Lake for the Chivas USA-Real Salt Lake match. Atiba Harris and Alecko Eskandarian won't be there, but yours truly will.

Here's the plan. Bus departs tonight, gets into Salt Lake sometime Saturday morning, I probably won't have slept much but will be there regardless, after the game I'll write as fast as my fingers will let me and then get to the bus for another drive-through-the-night. Maybe I'll try and get the bus driver to stop as Las Vegas for an hour or six.

Anyway, check out the blog tomorrow for full on-the-spot coverage of the game. I will try and post some post-game audio but we'll see how much time I'll have. At the very least, I may do some sort of running blog.

But that doesn't mean this trusty blog won't be updated. Thanks to the wonders of future-dating posts, I will leave a couple of things for you to whet your appetite before the game.


betch said...

Have fun! I met up with those guys in Santa Clara. Great time. WARNING. Don't sleep on the bus.

Anonymous said...